How to Maintain the Privacy of Your Backyard


How to Maintain the Privacy of Your Backyard

Your property is likely the primary space where you can feel free to truly be yourself. But when busy streets and nosy neighbors turn your solitude into something more public than your liking, backyard privacy solutions are a must-have. Maryland Sunrooms has come up with a few of the simplest ways to get your outdoor space back to being yours so you can continue appreciating it as you always have.

Use Greenery to Your Advantage

Use Greenery to Your Advantage

The most natural solution to your backyard privacy needs is to use things already in your yard — plants! A lifted container garden, thoughtfully-trimmed hedges or low-hanging trees all provide some shade and cover from others in your vicinity. Planting greenery around the edge of your property can even boost your curb appeal and contribute to the soothing ambiance you want in your outdoor space.

Create an Unforgettable Fencing Solution

While any fence can, in theory, complete the job you need, why settle for a basic addition to your yard? There are so many fencing options available today, and any of them would look lovely with vines climbing up them, adding extra height and filling in any cracks.

Incorporate other structures into your fence perimeter, like a shed or large containers, to break up the monotony. Or, use a few fence panels where they’re really needed, and continue appreciating the open spaces where you can take in the rest of the world.

Install Blinds and Shades for Sunrooms

If you have a sunroom, you know how rewarding it can be to relax inside while appreciating all the benefits of the outdoors. But because sunrooms often have wall-to-wall windows, they can be a beacon for wandering eyes.

Installing blinds or shades in your sunroom is a cheap solution that still allows you to appreciate the light, open space when you want. When it’s time for an intimate family dinner or get-together with old friends, draw the blinds or pull the shades for a night only those invited will remember.

Learn How to Keep a Sunroom Private With Maryland Sunrooms

From visual coverage to soundproofing insulation, Maryland Sunrooms knows all the tricks to protect your private space from neighbors’ prying eyes. When security is a concern, we consider it from the first design we create and remember it with every panel we install. Discover how seriously we take your backyard and sunroom privacy by sitting down with us for a consultation today. Contact us anytime to request your appointment.